Sunshine on my hiney is so lovely! Guess who went to the beauty parlor? That’s right me! Charli! And aren’t I beauuutiful? Poor Bandit had so many knots on his bottom they sheered him like a sheep in spring! I still love him even if he is now a hairless Yorkie. He’s still my best buddy.
AMZ USA & Canada – for just a couple of days though…. Saving Kyla for just 99 cents!

Life With Bandi & Charli Too!
ABANDONED! That’s right. Mom abandoned us to go on a trip to Denmark, Norway, and Sweden! Look at us. Alone. No soft lap to sit on. No snuggles to make us feel loved. While Mom was on the other side of the world. So far away! Sigh. It was a long week.
Yes, family members came to check on us, give us food and water and let us sit on their laps. But it wasn’t Mom. Don’t worry. We forgive her. She gave us chicken jerky for treats and let us snuggle with her. It’s so good to have her home. We stay close and warm.
Signing Event! Flirty in Kansas City
Delta Force Strong Italian is now in KU!
Special Price! Saving Chelsea