with love, Charli & Bandit
Australia Here I Come


It’s summer here!
My favorite time of the year! Charli, Chloe, Bodie and Dakota, and I are loving running outside and then coming back into the house with the cool air. Mom put me in the pool briefly, but I wasn’t that excited about it. Charli was even less excited when Mom put her in the pool. Don’t worry, she stayed right with us. Chloe stepped into the pool but didn’t go swimming. It’s all new to us. Mom thinks we’ll love it by the end of summer. I’m not so sure.
Charli and I hope you’re having a good start to summer and that you get to do some fun stuff. And if you’re Downunder, we hope that you have a mild winter and enjoy the cool weather.
Check out Mom’s new book. She’s been working hard to pay for our treats. Love you all! Bandit
Radish Fiction
Are you a fan of serialized fiction apps? You can now find my Delta Force Strong & Brotherhood Protectors Montana books on Radish! I’m so happy to bring my books to you in a whole new way.